Archive for the ‘Beta Testing’ Category

Neverwinter MMO’s Trickster Rogue Skills & Feats

As my three avid fans already know, I generally always play the Rogue stealth class in every game. Obviously I will toy with other classes, but “Sprawl” is always a Rogue, and in Cryptic’s Neverwinter MMO, which just went open beta, things are no different. To anyone starting out, I wanted to share my thoughts in general on the game, as well as specifically dive into the Trickster Rogue class.

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First and foremost, Neverwinter is a pretty dang good MMO for a free-to-play. It certainly has a few “pay to win” attributes for the hardcore player that must min-max everything, but for your casual player, it is easy enough to avoid the temptation to spend a lot of cash on the game. I have to admit, the lure of extra pack and bank space has been hard to resist.

Anyone looking to join Z Guild in Neverwinter merely needs to download the game client and install. The game is in open beta, with no more character wipes scheduled, which essentially means the game has been released with a bunch of bugs still present. For the most part, these bugs aren’t game breaking, although a few can be frustrating at times.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta First Impressions

Whenever we have a new MMO on the horizon, everyone piles there hopes and dreams on what ultimately becomes a letdown next to industry leader World of Warcraft. It is pretty much expected that any game on the horizon is going to pale in comparison, until one day some mythical developer from some mythical land releases the next big thing.

Will Star Wars the Old Republic push the MMO genre forward? No, probably not, but with very few successful MMOs on the market, if anyone can step in and hold their ground, it will be Bioware (with some help from the Force).
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Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Cinematic

The NDA is still in full effect, which means I can not share much with you regarding Star Wars: the Old Republic, yet. Hopefully it will be lifted sometime soon during the upcoming beta weekends. For now, check out the intro cinematic. It is better than Episodes 1, 2, and 3 combined!

I plan on pre-ordering.

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