WoW Addon to Remind You to Change Gear
- May 12th, 2019
- Posted in Blog . Guides
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With the addition of War Mode in World of Warcraft, I always wear PvP gear when out and about. This has the unfortunate side effect of me forgetting to change into my PvE DPS gear when entering an instance, especially a Mythic+, where you cannot change your gear after you begin.

To solve this, I wrote a simple addon that merely yells at you when you walk into the instance and raid for the first time. I’ve posted the code below for others, if they are interested.
Update 5/16/2019: You can now download the addon from Curse using the launcher!
All you need to do is create a folder in your World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns called “changeGear”. Inside this folder, place two text files: changeGear.toc and changeGear.lua.
Here is changeGear.toc:
## Title: Change Gear Reminder ## Interface: 80100 ## Author: Sprawl ## Notes: "Reminds you to change your clothing for Mythics/Raids!" ## Version: 0.2.0 ## May 13, 2019 changeGear.lua
And here is changeGear.lua:
--Creating changeGear local changeGear = CreateFrame("FRAME", "changeGear"); --Configuring changeGear changeGear:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); local function reminder() local zoneName = GetRealZoneText(); if ((zoneName ~= "Town Hall") and (zoneName ~= "Lunarfall") and (zoneName ~= nil)) then message("Put on your PvE Gear!"); end end local function eventHandler(self, event, ...) if (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" ) then local inInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance(); if ((instanceType == 'party') or (instanceType == 'raid')) then C_Timer.After(2, reminder); end end end changeGear:SetScript("OnEvent", eventHandler);
That’s it!
Hope it helps someone.
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