Archive for January, 2011

Game Review: Protoype

The game begins with a cliched case of amnesia; so you and the main character are basically on the same footing. Something bad has befallen you and an unrealistic version of Manhattan. Your sole mission is to figure out what has happened to you and to get revenge on the people who did it. Did what? I don’t know, we can’t remember…

So that sets the stage for Protoype. This game is a single-player sandbox style game sort of like Assassin’s Creed or The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. In the usual fashion our misguided hero has amazing acrobatic abilities and superpowers that allow you to transform and morph his body into all kinds of deadly weapons. Likewise, you can absorb the life force of everyone around you, and even take on their physical likeness.

What really sets this game’s storyline apart from others are the moral implications. You are motivated purely by revenge, and you really don’t care who you kill on your path of destruction.
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IGN: RIFT’s Closed Beta 5 Impressions

As you may or may not already know, I am the current Site Manager for IGN’s Rift Kingdom. Closed beta 5 for RIFT is currently underway, and I thought I would take a few minutes during the current server downtime to reflect on the new stuff so far. We are currently on the second day of the most widely available beta so far, and the developers are applying the second update to help improve stability and performance.

For people that participated in the earlier betas, a lot of the existing content remains the same. The starter area plus the first two faction specific zones are full of new players. Trion has opened up a ton of new servers and a new shared zone called the Scarlet Gorge, which includes a new dungeon and an increased level cap from 27 to 30, as well as a whole lot of polish.

Read more over at IGN’s Rift Kingdom or stay here and view my screenshots from the event.

First-Look Review of DC Universe Online

You would be doing yourself a huge disservice to quickly write off DC Universe Online (DCUO) as another spandex superhero game. Sure, it is that at the basis, but there are some key distinctions that set DCUO apart, making it the next evolution (or mutation) in superhero online games.

One can’t even begin to review DCUO without immediately comparing it to the other two superhero MMO games: City of Heroes and Champions Online, so let’s take a quick look at some history.
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