Archive for the ‘Beta Testing’ Category

Beckett Massive Online Gamer Magazine

In his third consecutive appearance in Beckett Massive Online Gamer Magazine, Sprawl this time is featured covering the Rogue class in a multi-page article on the upcoming World of Warcraft Cataclysm expansion. He also covers his adventures playing through the new Lord of the Rings Online Free-to-Play, which just went live back towards the end of September.

So rush out to the newsstand to pickup the latest copy and be sure to subscribe to Beckett Massive Online Gamer. We suspect Sprawl will continually be featured for many issues to come.

IGN: WoW Cataclysm Opening Cinematic, In-Game

As almost everyone in the MMO gaming industry is probably aware, today was the release of the World of Warcraft Cataclysm Opening Cinematic. A new commercial appeared during Sunday afternoon’s football game and immediately the web was abuzz with the pure awesomeness that is Deathwing. If you haven’t seen it already, be sure to take a gander at the new opening movie that will play the very first time you log into World of Warcraft Cataclysm sometime after December 7th.

I put together this montage video for IGN Entertainment’s WoW Vault that shows all of the areas that were rendered in the opening cinematic. Players of the largest MMO will be able to visit all of these locations that Deathwing traveled on his very first flight of freedom.

Sprawl Featured Again in Beckett MOG!

Rush out and pickup issue number 27 of Beckett Massive Online Gamer for the latest Cataclysm update from yours truly. Okay, so it’s a magazine so it isn’t the absolute latest news, but it’s two full pages of things created by me, and there are articles from others that cover perhaps a few of those MMOs you don’t follow so regularly.

I hope to be contributing to Beckett for some time to come, so you mind as well just pickup a subscription for a mere $16.95 for a year while you are at it.

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