If we could turn back time to when the iPhone first came out, I would probably be releasing iFart too, but alas, there are hundreds of Apps already in existence for flatulence, for calculating a waiter’s tip, and for marking where you parked your car on a map (hello Google Maps?). BUT as a learning experience, creating these fundamental apps is a good challenge. Therefore today I release two new Apps to further my learning of the Apple Swift language.
TipMe – There are millions of Apps for Tipping already on the iTunes store, so why use this one? Because it is so simple that you can quickly run the numbers, and not let anyone know that you needed an app!
iPark – Park your car, launch this app, and then drop a pin to MARK where you PARK. Now you can go forth and PaRtY knowing that later you can find your car!
Both Apps are absolutely FREE and are available in the iTunes Store today for iPhone and iPad devices! When you go out for a night on the town, be prepared to tip well for your drinks and stumble successfully back to your car for a short nap (since zSprawl does not promote drinking and driving).