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Home » iOS Development » Lists zApp Updated for iOS 5

Lists zApp Updated for iOS 5

If you own an iPhone 5, you no doubt know that many of the Apps on the store need to be updated to use your larger screen size. If the app hasn’t been updated, Apple will just center it on the screen. Most developers, including myself, have just been stretching their Apps to use the larger size. For some Apps, this really adds no value, but for my free Lists zApp, it means more items on the screen at once!

If you haven’t seen my latest creation – Lists – it is available absolutely free on the iTunes store. So download it. You have nothing to lose. The concept is simple… Make lists of things to do, remember, or whatever. Add items to your lists. Check off items as you complete them. It is that simple!

Here is the original promotional video showing Lists zApp in action.

So why not download Lists zApp for free right now!?

About the Author: Sprawl

Stephen Russell is a Mobile App developer and all around IT geek that spends his days running data centers and his nights coding. This site is the go to place for all of zSprawl's work and the infamous development blog. In his free time, he enjoys tinkering with web code, playing video games, and otherwise plotting to take over the Internets.

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